iPhone 5: innovative concept phone

Prediction about the next iPhone has been around for five of the Internet in recent years, this one came from Zeki Ozek. The designer offers a new iconic phone will have a 23% smaller size, less is more. Instead of the home button again, this time you’ll see a fingerprint scanner to unlock the phone. In fact, you can choose to assign specific finger as password to open your mail, twitter or facebook.

iPhone 5 - innovative concept phone1

This concept features the iPhone 5 with touch wheel on the back of the phone. Thus, when you read the twitter status of a friend, you can simply scroll up and down with your finger on the back the iPhone. So, what do you think? Do you like / hate the idea of smaller iPhone?

Designed by Zeki Ozek

iPhone 5 - innovative concept phone3 iPhone 5 - innovative concept phone2iPhone 5 - innovative concept phone5iPhone 5 - innovative concept phone4iPhone 5 - innovative concept phone6
Via Zeki Ozek

About Vamsee Angadala

Chief Editor at iGadgetsworld | Blogger Since 2009 | Avid Writer | Gadget Reviewer | Social Media Guy | SEO Analyst | Electrical Engineer

Posted on November 3, 2011, in new technlogy and tagged , , , . Bookmark the permalink. Leave a comment.

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